Acer pseudoplatanus purpurea
Acer pseudoplatanus purpurea or Sycamore is is native to Central Europe and Western Asia. The sycamore is a large, broad leaved deciduous tree that reaches 20–35 m tall at maturity, the branches forming a broad, domed crown. The monoecious (or bisexual) yellow-green flowers are produced after the leaves in early summer on pendulous panicles 10 to 20 cm long with about 60–100 flowers on each stalk. The fruits are paired winged seeds or samaras. When shed, the wing of the samara catches the wind and rotates the fruit as it falls, slowing its descent and enabling the wind to disperse it further from the parent tree. The seeds are mature in autumn about four months after pollination. If you look around in the grass around the sycamore you can often see seedling plants growing. This can be a problem, and at times over the years in the Park, there have been more sycamores growing than needed. This plant is probably a seedling from an earlier planting.
14.00 Location C3 Latitude: -38.4022013843388 Longitude: 146.051358725498