Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’
Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’, the golden Himalayan cedar is a large-growing tree form with striking
horizontal branches and nodding tips holding long, soft golden foliage. Fresh spring growth is creamy yellow. For best colour the tree should be grown in full sun because In shade, the gold will not show and the tree will be basically green in color. Look up to the top of our tree and note the golden growing tips. Golden Himalayan cedar is a very old cultivar in the international nursery trade. British botanist J. Nelson first described the plant in botanical literature in 1866. It is quite likely that several clones are lumped into this cultivar name. 'Aurea' is Latin for 'gold or golden'. Planted in 1988.
47.00 Location B4 Latitude; -38.401460000000 Longitude; 146.052030000000