Indigofera australis



Indigofera australis, common name Austral indigo, is an attractive species of leguminous shrub in the genus Indigofera (family Fabaceae). The genus name Indigofera is Neo-Latin for "bearing Indigo" (Indigo is a purple dye originally obtained from some Indigofera species). Australis, from the Latin, means not “Australian” but "southern", referring to the geographical distribution of the species.It is an upright, to 2 m high shrub, with flexible stems. The leaves are pinnate, openly spaced on the stems, around 10 cm long and velvety smooth to the touch. The flower color is purple. The flowers are smooth, in short spires in the leaf axils,freely produced from mid-September. Planted in 2021 in a group of four.

Significance to the Ganai community.
The roots of Austral Indigo were pounded to make a fish poison.

219.00 Location D4 Latitude; -38.402536000000 Longitude; 146.052026000000

SKU: 219 TAG: Significance to the Ganai community

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