Malus domestica ‘Rokewood’
Malus domestica ‘Rokewood’ has fruit that are a medium size, ~55 mm; shape intermediate, sometimes tall, truncate-conic to conic, convex, slightly ribbed at calyx basin and occasionally on the body; skin yellowish green with bright orange-red blush and a few streaks, russet at base, greasy, tough; flesh firm crisp, greenish white; flavor sweet, sub-acid; harvest season mid to late. Developed by John Bullock at Dereel in Rokewood District in the 1870s.
The apple trees in the Park have been planted to honour the association between Francis Moss and fruit tree production. It has been noted that the Leongatha nursery on the banks of the Ruby Creek, produced 120,000 apple trees for sale each season. (Leongatha Sun 21 January 1903). As the Rokewood was an apple known for its excellent transportablitiy, it is likely that Francis Moss would have had this apple as part of his catalogue.