Pinus halepensis



Pinus halepensis, common name Aleppo or Lone Pine, is is a pine native to the Mediterranean region. Pinus halepensis is a small to medium-sized tree, 15–25 m tall, with a trunk diameter up to 60 cm. The bark is orange-red, thick, and deeply fissured at the base of the trunk, and thin and flaky in the upper crown. The leaves ("needles") are very slender, 6–12 cm long, distinctly yellowish green, and produced in pairs (rarely a few in threes). The cones are narrow conic, 5–12 cm long and 2–3 cm broad at the base when closed, green at first, ripening glossy red-brown when 24 months old. They open slowly over the next few years, a process quickened if they are exposed to heat such as in forest fires. The cones open 5–8 cm wide to allow the seeds to disperse. The seeds are 5–6 mm long, with a 20-mm wing, and are wind-dispersed. The resin of the Aleppo pine is used to flavor the Greek wine retsina. From the pine nuts of the Aleppo pine is made a pudding called asidet zgougou in the Tunisian dialect; it is served in bowls, covered with cream, and topped with almonds and small candies. The Maltese desert prinjolata is also prepared using these pine nuts, both in its filling as well as a topping.

Turkish pine, Pinus brutia was a prominent landmark tree at the ANZAC battle site at
Gallipoli, Turkey. Cones from this and the closely related species, Pinus halepensis, were brought back to Australia, and plants grown from the seeds have been planted at numerous memorials. Planted in 2011.

105.00 Location C3 Latitude; -38.401308960000 Longitude; 146.051925820000

SKU: 105

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